Japanese TATTOO Horimitsu style 池袋初代彫俊一門 分家 三軒茶屋 初代彫拓 お別れ会
池袋初代彫俊一門 分家 三軒茶屋 初代彫拓 のお別れ会でした。
Sorry, I can not translate.
Cherry Blossoms Tattoo in Art

Researching cherry blossom art will help you find out what it represents and get a better understanding to the importance of this design. This symbol provided by nature isn't just an image inked into the flesh, it is in itself a wondrous work of art. You can obtain a lot of useful information on the design of the cherry blossom by researching ancient art work and paintings of the Asian cultures. Your community library ought to hold a vast collections of resources you can find useful.
Culturally the Japanese and Chinese interpretations of these tattoos are very unique, so please take the moment to do some investigation on the two. Each Asian culture has their own rendition and aspect regarding the cherry blossoms symbolic meanings.

The symbolic importance of the cherry blossoms is that of power, beauty, dominance and it is a symbol of love that is highly sacred in the Chinese culture. The Chinese recognized its simple beauty and have portrayed it in many of their art over the centuries.
Japanese Blossom Meanings
The blossoms are a symbolic reference to life being to short lived and that one must not get attached to something for it will eventually come to an end. Fallen flower petals of this design are symbolic to that of the beauty of snow or it can relate to a youthful warrior who lost his life in the time of battle.

Popular styles of cherry blossoms you can choose from.
These varieties was widely used in their traditional art work.
* Somei Yoshino - Mostly white with a hint of pink.
* Yaezakura - A larger flower variety with deep pink colored.

Horimitsu TATTOO diary 日記
Japanese TATTOO Horimitsu style 鯉 koi fish
This is second case today.
Koi fish and Peonies.
finished line work.
Closed shop.
Éste es segundo caso hoy.
Koi pescan y Peonías. el trabajo de la línea acabado.
Tienda cerrada.
Body Art - Tattoos

Body Art
Body art is very broad term which includes ear piercing to a funky tattoo, painting or you can say everything related to skin decoration. Today there is a craze among college students especially to get a funky tattoo done. Having a body art done is a means to express themselves and their individuality.
Besides piercing and tattooing body painting is growing in popularity as a body art form. Body art painting treats human body as a blank canvas, and beautiful crafty colorful pictures are drawn on it. Although this artistry may not be your drawing room's show case they are still splendid.
These days companies have employed a new marketing funda of using body painting as a form of advertising. Many advertisements showcase the models with company logos painted onto their bodies.
Be it a sports day at school or cricket match in the country or going in discs beautiful body art, or painting is apparent. Fans many times express their love and compassion for their favorite team by painting the team mascot or writing their favorite team's name.
Tattoo asthe popular body art
Tattoos are very old art, anciently practiced as marking to identify animals or some convicts and also as permanent ornaments to decorate the body. The word Tattoo is actually derived from a Tahitian word "Tatau." The regularly growing passion Tattoos differ in patterns between males and females. Where males prefer tribal, skull, scorpion patterns, females go for angel, sun, moon patterns.
Tattoos may be permanent or temporary. Heena or mehandi, sticker tattoo or that drawn from water colors is temporary tattoos. Permanent tattoos are much painful and costly too. Inspite of pain involved tattooing has been practiced by modern as well as tribes across the world. The procedure of making tattoos too sports a wide variety; in some cultures tattoos are formed from scaring and rubbing it with ashes or charring while pricking with thorns to insert dyes in others.
Uses of Tattoo
- Decorative and spiritual uses of tattoos involve symbols of religious and spiritual devotion, decorations for bravery, mark of fertility, amulets and talismans for protection.
- Now-a-days people choose to be tattooed for cosmetic and sentimental purposes. Extensive decorative tattooing is common for traditional freak shows and by performers who follow in their tradition.
- Tattoos are a marking that gives an idea about status and rank of an individual.
- The tattoos were carved out for identification of inmates by Nazis. Sometime a tattoo can be useful for forensic pathologists as they might help identify burned or mutilated bodies.
- These days for the cosmetic purpose tattoos are marked as permanent eyebrows, lips liner or lipstick, eye liner and even moles.
- A new application of tattoo is 'Medical tattoos.' Tattoos are used for in repeated radiotherapy and for breast reconstruction.
Modern days tattoo parlors mushrooming in cities uses the electric tattoo machine which has an oscillating unit that has a mount of group of needles. These needles dipped in Azo- or Acri- dyes goes in and out of the skin around 80-150 times resulting into a gorgeous tattoo.
So, be sure to do some research and think about the pains before GAIN....
A+A go to Yokohama and get tattooed
Go have a look!

Two more sessions for both of us in April.
Who knows, maybe they'll even be finished.
It only took me 13 days to get it!

The darkness ... The darkness ...
Even though the town's been plunged in the dark like a canary no one wants to hear, from 3 in the afternoon till 10 in the morning, the lights have been on and bright pretty regularly down at the HQ for the last 2 weeks! Eckel and I, freshly back from our very own British adventures and busy as ever (well me more, he hardly does anything actually)! Someone's gotta work around here! Not everyone can take a never ending, nose picking and ceilings staring Japan-acation!!! Shop's got to keep going, ya know!? Work work work! We've had to do lots and lots of overtime lately (directly because of the above described missing staff situation) so I've decided to share the extra hours evenly! Eckel's taking the 1st shift (8 to 5) I'll be taking the second (5 to 8) just so it's fair! No one likes to be the boss but someone's got to do it anyway! I've also decided that until the missing staff are back everyone visiting the shop will have to:
A): Start and/or resume smoking.
B): Love doom stoner metal.
C): Have a minimum of 3 double espressos per visit.
D): Bring us gifts (expensive ones would be best)
E): Be ready to convincingly explain, in detail, their perfect plan of exactly what they would do (step by step) in the tragic case of a zombie invasion!
That will be all for now but please check back regularly for new updated rules and regulations of the Conspiracy inc. in the days to come!
-Because without rules ... There is chaos!
Here are the more general free tips of the week...
Spontaneous visits: Go towards the right, towards the light!
Weather report: It's gonna get much worst before it gets better!
Health report: Being vegan does not make you immune to Ebola!
Health report 2: Eating meat doesn't either!
Awesome report: Yes it's true!
Celebrity Dads With Body Tattoos
Tattoos have always been a kind of taboo subject for some because they just don’t understand the whole tattoo thing. With that being said it is a little more society friendly for a man to have a tattoo. Maybe it has to do with the fact that back in the 50′s and 60′s men were basically the only ones who had tattoos. That doesn’t mean some women did, but if they did they kept it quite. However, tattoos were still not expect unless you were in the service or a sailor even then they were still looked down upon because back in those says criminals, greasers and men who were up to know good had tattoos. Things have changed greatly over time but tattoos are still looked down upon. Maybe some with change their mind when they realize these celebrity dads have several tattoos of their own.
1. Johnny Depp- who seems to get better with age has at least 13 tattoos, one for each of this children, one of his mother”s name. However, he has not yet gotten Vanessa’s name tattooed on her. He must have learned his lesson from the Winona days.
2. David Beckham- the sexy soccer star has nearly half his body covered in tattoos. He has all threes son’ names tattooed on him along with wife Victoria’s.
3. Eminem- the outrageous rapper has several tattoos all over his body including a very cute portrait of daughter Hailie.
4. Sylvester Stallone -has a portrait of wife, Jennifer Flavin, is tattooed on his right shoulder and bicep, he also has three roses representing their daughters.
5. Kobe Bryant - has his wife and daughter’s name on his left arm.
6. Tommy Lee – literally has more than half his body covered in tattoos. Tommy has even admitted he has lost count of how many tattoos he has.
7.Lebron James – His first son’s one-year old image is tattooed on the inside of his left arm and later got his mother’s name, Gloria, on his right shoulder. When his second son was born, he had his name (Bryce Maximus) on his left forearm.
8. Mark Wahlberg- has a total of four tattoos some that he regrets.
This Sunday 21st November at Dymocks, Rundle Mall, from about 2:15pm-ish onwards, myself and a collection of South Aussie YA authors & illustrators will be out in public. The attending authorial and draworial types include:
Robyn Opie
Malcolm Walker
Claire Richards
Greg Holdfeld
Rosanne Hawke
Ruth Starke
Jane Jolly
Don Henderson
Janeen Brian
Katrina Germein
Dan McGuinness
Ben Chandler
Allayne Webster
Robert Moore
Elizabeth Hutchins
Sally Heinrich
Sean Williams
Rebecca Burton
Lauren Fuge
Hope to see some Monster Blog locals there... :)
Tattoo Temple Body Art 2010 Joey Pang and Jodic Chan
Asia’s Premier Body Art Studio
Internationally Renowned – Custom Designs
Joey Pang
Joey has literally circled the globe studying all forms of Tattoo Art. Training with the world’s best artists in Switzerland, France, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States and throughout Asia. Internationally renowned; her professional portfolio includes graphic design, cosmetics, painting, calligraphy and multiple forms of Chinese art. Joey has been tattooing for nearly a decade.
Jodic has been with Tattoo Temple for three years. She previously studied design and painting before training at Tattoo Temple. With a preference for Dark-Art and complex, clean designs – her eclectic portfolio speaks for itself. Jodic has studied and traveled throughout Europe and Asia following her passion for ink. She is an accomplished artist and a rising star in the tattoo world
The Best And Cool Tattoos For You 2010

Almost everybody, in spite of age, culture, or gender loves the idea of accessorizing themselves with characters and symbols that can give identity to them. Different artistic representations of a person's ideals and interests can be part of his body with a help of trained artists and professionals. Skilled tattoo artists do the job for you by injecting colors into your skin, creating the design you want.
You can find thousands of cool tattoo designs in many internet sites providing tattoo facts and info. You can choose from a variety of options, but because of their number it is sometimes difficult to decide which one suits you the best. When picking a tattoo design for you, consider your personality and beliefs. By landing the right tattoo site, you can easily assess which pattern would fit you most.
If deciding for a design is difficult for you, you can visit some good websites that can help you pick something that can represent you as a whole. Fashionable and trendy tattoo patterns are just a click and download away. All you have to do is log on to a reliable site and get a copy of a design you have picked. If not, you can also peruse the designs of known tattoo artists in their studios.
Once you have chosen from the internet the pattern you like, print out a copy and show it to your tattoo artist for comments and suggestions. And as soon as you both agreed where to put the designed you picked and the other details on how to do the tattooing, ready yourself for the process. First, your tattoo artist will make a stencil pattern onto your skin copying the design. After that, he will be piercing through your skin to introduce the different colors making up the figure.
Cool tattoos come in various color mixture, shapes, patterns, sizes, etc. If done properly by a good artist, it can bring out the beauty and character in you. The end result would all be worth the pain you have been through. In the end, you can pride yourself with what you've got.
There are loads of tattoo designs waiting for you. Click cool tattoos for the best designs.
On and on I go...
Now, the following was caused by but has only some connection with the comments previous about art being work or reaction. On I go...
Dare I admit I actually have very little truck for the whole post-modern, "It's all the the eye of the beholder/ reader interpretation is supreme" thing.
Reader reaction/participation is vital: I write very much to create a particular set of reactions in you all - of brand new vistas, of wonder, of adventure on an adult scale, of (I hope and strive) some small portion of the life-changing wonder I had when first reading LotR as a 12 year old.
As an illustrator it always struck me that the intent of the creator and the reaction they are looking to provoke was/is the primary point. Heck, half the time I was just filling the requirements of a brief, but then would have folks insisting to me all these wondrous "artistic" notions in my work that I never meant, nor knowingly put in.
The counter to this is, obviously, the "Freudian" one, that I could not help put deeper elements into my work. While this may be - and is probably - true, the alchemy of my "stuff" with theirs seems to also bring about an element of fiction within my viewers reaction too, an attributing to me things not necessarily so. Yet who am I to deny such response?! Without the reader/viewer what is the point? What is MBT without your participation? A bunch of ideas rolling about my head. For years I tried to show people H-c stuff, to which the common response was bemusement or boredom. Though i might have been making stuff up for the fun of it - for myself - I was clearly looking for an audience, for participation, reaction, validation.
So I suppose we find ourselves with a synthesis. Creations are made to be participated in, reader/viewer response is vital (unavoidable, indeed, sought after!), yet the creator's intent surely has a place, surely what I wanted to make deserves some respect, some consideration?
Oftentimes I have not (and I quote from Amazon):
"that was the worst book i have ever read. dm cornish is a hack. never read this book. " (the author's punctuation/capitalisation)
"Someone please tell me how anyone (ANYONE!) can get past the truly awful title. And after you achieve that monumental goal, how can you navigate the vinegar seas and bleeble blabble names that are intended to justify this as a truly unique creation and world? I, for one, couldn't manage the feat."
So who is right here?
The post-modern response would go something along the lines of, "well, for these readers that is what MBT is..." i.e. rubbish. But IS MBT rubbish just because they say it is. Again, p-m thought will assert that for these too folk it is. Indeed, my stories are not perfect (despite the flarings of my ego insisting otherwise) and I can understand how they might not be everyone's cup o' tea, but surely my intent in penning rates some contemplation and even merit from even the harshest critic?
So who is right?
There seems to me to be another factor at play here, one very hard to fix down, even dangerous to do so: the notion of something having merit in and of itself regardless of opinion. Yet what/who(!) arbitrates such a reckoning? Are not humans the deciders of such things? Yet - for example - as we see with the Amazon quotes, there are those who revile MBT, though many of you here think it worthy. Who is correct? Is it the majority voice? Is it that if we get enough saying it is "good" then it is, and the few who did/do not like it are free to their opinion? In a way this works, but what if the majority say that something bad is good, as in the citizens of the Haacobin empire holding all monsters as bad? There are only a few who dare to acknowledge otherwise, yet we find that the majority are not in line with what is actually the case, but the minority.
So what happens then?
Our majority model has collapsed.
Who arbitrates what is so here?
The issue maybe, in the end, is that we in this age of pluralism, dare not say another's sentiment or notion is wrong for genuine fear that we ourselves might be subject to such a charge; that in some close held idea, we too might be wrong, and this is intolerable (I sure don't like holding the thought for too long!). So rather than let this dread event occur we say instead everyone is right, formulate theories to maintain the same, and remain in our cocoon of "rightness"...
There seems to me something going on here that is beyond neat theories.
My word I bake my own noodle sometimes... :\
(I have probably made no sense at all... ACK!)
Greetings from Tokyo
Actually, we got here a few days ago, but they have been busy days.
Allan has tattooed a bunch already, and it looks like the next couple of weeks are gonna be busy as hell.
So, where are the tattoo pictures, you may ask yourself?
Well, normally, i'd have to either manipulate Allan into giving me some for the blog, steal them from his card before he has a chance to transfer them, or compromise, like in the last post.
But Allan seems to think that since we're in Japan, and not the shop, i have no claim to tattoo pictures here.
The nerve of that guy, right?
So you'll have to visit his blog for tattoo updates, or my blog for all the other things we get up to (like our own tattoos for example).
I may post here too once in a while, but really, for the next month, our own blogs are where all the action is.
Seeing as i'm not at the shop, wouldn't it be great if maybe someone else who is there, and who is a co-author of this blog, could post updates if anything shop-related should happen?
I sure wish i knew someone like that...
A thought
Indeed I would go so far as to propose to you, that any such device of creation - art, books, film, music - that has truly moved us occupies such a place in our soul/mind and as such, has a force and influence on us as enduring as any real event.
'Tis a theory of mine...
Not sure why I write this, but I have, and now you have read it.
That's right, we're out of here, so the next post is likely to be something Inkrat and Tokyo related.
Mate ne!