This is a replica of the
10 sou folding-money note (sometimes called a
folder) that
Rossamünd received from Europe just before he departs for
Winstermill - actual size is about A5.
The red stamp in the top left corner is the
Imperial Sigil made as
deep-dye mark. Pressed into the bottom right corner is the
Sovereign Marque - made using a
form, a metal rod cast with a state's
sigil - or marque - which is placed on the paper and hammered once and firmly with a small mallet to leave an imprint in the paper. Such forms are highly valuable items - I can see certain
insalubrious folk plotting how they might steal one to further their own nefarious causes. The sign "A.V" in the marque stands for "Arius
Vigilans" - the Vigilant Ram of
I thought some folks might be interested in knowing what folding-money looks like. I have been spending some of my
inbetween-books time (that being Book 2
Lamplighter - now with the printers - and Book 3 - still no official title yet) figuring out the convoluted systems and industries surrounding the production, issuing and redemption of the humble folding bill.
Such periods of pointed and concerted invention are enriching, giving me an continually expanded view of just what makes the Half-Continent work; all those folks bustling about: the printers and their secret-vault presses, the guarded trucks taking the bills to banks and other authorised issuers, the halls of clerks keeping track of the movements and uses of the bills through an unwieldy system of logs and ledgers, the revisionists sent out to investigate frauds and forgeries. Fun, fun, fun.
Also, I have at last coined Half-Continent terms for the words
mooseguy kindly challenged me with. So here goes once more, Half-Continent synonyms for real-world terms #011:
mobile phone = in full these would be called
eloquiproculogue, sometimes
shortened to
proculogue, or
voxeproculogue, though everyday folks would call them
ablongs ("from afar")
internet = technically it would alternatively be known as the
astrapemethodologue or
fulgurcoetre ("
electrical gathering") shortened to the
fulgurcot, though once more the vernacular would be the somewhat simpler
epistulane, with emails being commonly called
epistles (a briefer form of
fulgepistulës) or
democracy = well, technically I could simply use the word "democracy" and be done, but where would the fun be in that?! So the
Gotts for example, have two terms for it,
stimmanteil ("voice-sharing") used in a positive sense, and
lumpelämend ("rascal-noise") used
pejoratively. Given that the
Gottish political system is essentially an imperial dictatorship,
lumpelämend is the more common in current times. In the
Haacobin capital, Clementine, the term
vox paritas ("equal voice") is being thrown about more and more
frequently, it
detractors deriding it as
glaucaloquia ("sweet-talking") - a whole lot of frothy nonsense: the Empire will not stand - and therefore the dominion of men against the monsters - (so they say) if power is shared about to any old person just because they feel they would like to have a go a running things.
Keep the challenges coming, please.
Also, would you keep
Jay (I introduced you to him last post) in your thoughts: he is going through
very tough times at the moment.