No, i have more exciting news... or maybe not news if you already follow the blog of one Mr. Electric Pick, but in case you don't (seriously though, why don't you?), here's the exciting news:
Nick's already famous web comic Red Box has been made into an actual book!
You know, the kind you can sit and read with a nice cup of tea, or give to people for Christmas.
Yeah, that kind!
The book is 240 pages of hard cover goodness, with an extra 35-ish pages of extra arty awesomeness by Jesse Smith, Ben Newman, Davee Blows, Edek, Tom Haubrick, Uncle Allan and Honkey Kong.
You can get all that for 465 Hong Kong dollars, which converts roughly into 60 us dollars, 47 euro, and 38 uk pounds, and you can order via
Go to the Electric Plog to read more and see a preview of this beauty!