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Sort lørdagshygge i Schleppegrellsgade

Kære kunder og venner og andre kunst interesserede mennesker!

På lørdag den 18. holder vi et lille arrangement for de folk der ikke havde muligheden for at tage til Oberhausen i Marts og se Uncle Allan's udstilling Faces of Black Metal hos galleri Lionheart... så det vil sige alle undtagen os og en masse Tyskere!

Vi starter kl. 23.00, da man jo af gode grunde ikke kan have en Black Metal udstilling i dagslys, og fortsætter til vi eller i ikke gider mere.
Der vil blive serveret lidt øl, vand, og spillet en masse Norsk hygge musik.
Alle malerier og fotos er indrammede og til salg, og der vil derudover være lidt limited merch til salg, lavet specielt til lejligheden.

Vi håber at se en masse hernede!

Ps. Dette er ikke et tatoverings event, så der er ikke nogle chancer for at gå hjem med en lille Black Metal souvenir i denne omgang, men vi vil prøve at holde endnu en walk-in dag snart.

Dearest clients and friends and other artsy folks!

This Saturday, the 18th of August, we're having a little art show at the shop.
We figured that apart from ourselves, and a bunch of lucky Germans, not many people had a chance to see Uncle Allan's Faces of Black Metal show at the Lionheart Gallery in March, so we're showing them at the shop, for one night only.

We'll be opening at 11 pm, cause you can't have a Black Metal art show in broad daylight, and we'll close whenever we feel like it.
We'll be serving some refreshing beverages and playing some soothing Norwegian tunes.

All paintings are framed and for sale, and we've made some special limited merch for the occasion as well.
Whatever doesn't sell will be for sale online, so if you're not able to show up in person, check back here next week for prices and info.

We hope to see you!

Ps. This is not a tattoo event, so if you were hoping to walk out of here with a little Black Metal souvenir, i'm afraid i have to disappoint. But we will try to do another walk-in day soon!

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